Biewer Terrier Puppies

The Charming and Playful Biewer Terrier
Biewer Terriers are known for their long silky coats and lovable nature. They are charming and playful from the time they are a puppy to their adult years. Fun Fact, their name is pronounced, "Beaver Terrier."
Biewer Terrier At a Glance

Biewer Terrier At a Glance
- Size: 7"-11", 4-8 lbs.
- Lifespan: 12-15 years
- Energy Level: low
- Coat: Long and silky
- Shedding: light
- Hypoallergenic: Yes
- Dog Group: Toy
- Common Nicknames: Biewer Yorkie, Biewer Yorkshire
Biewer Terrier Breed Guide
Learn More About Biewer Terriers