Leonberger Puppies

Photo of Leonberger

A gentle giant and friendly family companion

The Leonberger is a gentle breed with a relaxed and instinctive nature.

Leonberger At a Glance

Photo of Leonberger Photo of Leonberger Photo of Leonberger Photo of Leonberger

Leonberger At a Glance

  • Size: 25.5"-31.5", 90-170 lbs.
  • Lifespan: 7-10 years
  • Energy Level: medium
  • Coat: Fluffy, short undercoat, with a thick, long outer coat
  • Shedding: moderate
  • Hypoallergenic: No
  • Dog Group: Working
  • Common Nicknames: Leo, Gentle Lion

Leonberger Breed Guide

Learn more about Leonbergers

  • Temperament

    Friendly and gentle around children, the Leonberger is known to be laid-back. Leos are a loving companion dog known as a gentle lion because of the lion-like mane on the male dogs. They are very intelligent so they usually do well with training. They can also be stubborn, so training in their early days is vital along with positive reinforcements as Leos are highly sensitive.

  • Health

    Like many breeds, the Leonberger can be prone to health issues which include bloating, obesity, hip and elbow dysplasia, heart problems, cancer, panosteitis, hypothyroidism, and cataracts.

  • Activity Level

    Needing daily exercise, it is good for the Leonberger to have mental stimulation as well. Since they do well in pulling carts, consider this as an activity for them.

  • Grooming

    Leos should be brushed daily to keep their hair free from mats and tangles especially the backs of the legs and behind the ears. They should have their nails trimmed every 2 weeks.

  • Shedding

    Leonbergers shed moderately and twice a year, they shed more heavily as they blow their coat, usually during the spring and fall seasons.

  • Appearance

    Males are easy to distinguish from females as males are larger, more masculine, and have a lion-like mane on their chest and neck while females are more feminine. They have brown eyes and can be yellow, golden, red, reddish brown, or sandy in color or a combo of any of those colors. They will have a black mask and may have black tips, but should never have black as the main color.

  • History

    Originating from Leonberg, Germany, the Leonberger was developed for companionship in the 1800s. Having the background of Saint Bernards, Newfoundlands, and Great Pyrenees, the Leonberger was bred by Heinrich Essig as a pet for European royalty. And what a noble, distinguished pet he turned out to be! This impressive breed was a pet for several members of imperial and royal households. They have also been used as working dogs on farms and waterfronts. They are excellent swimmers and specialize in cart pulling, showing off their tremendous strength. The Leonberger was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 2010.